Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Religion of Peace, Indeed...

Thanks to the Jawa Report for this piece that almost certainly wasn't supposed to be fodder for the general pubic.
But it was Choudary who rose to put her in her place. "Islam is not a religion of peace," he said. "It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah."
From my understanding, this is theologically correct, as a Muslim is "one who submits". Of course, that is a little different from the American PC version of the faith because it allows - indeed demands - that its followers submit to their god, even if he tells them to wage war on those who are not followers. I think this is a distinction that needs to be much better understood by many Americans, who would much rather believe that Islam is a faith that demands nothing except for its followers to get along with others. Come to think of it, this sounds suspiciously like American liberal Christianity, with its focus on "helping others" and "tolerance". Perhaps this would be better understood as people projecting their beliefs onto the Islamic faith to make it what they want it to be rather than what it actually is.
